

SSD Solution

TTZ Universal Solution

SSD Solution, a well-prepared solution with varied ingredients helps in getting away with discoloration of bank notes. This application of the solution makes it as important as the bank notes themselves. This feature is provided to this product by not one but different inputs; few of them being SSD Supreme Solution, SSD Universal Solution, D6 SSD Universal Solution and SSD Automatic Solution. It is a must have for all because when it comes to bank notes, it not only acts as the first aid but as the entire treatment for discoloration. It couldn’t have been more significant. Not only this, the list of its key features is topped by affordability. It fits into the pockets of all which helped it achieve the global market in no time. Its applicability is unquestionable taking into consideration the fact that it can be applied on defaced bank notes of all colors.

Humine Activation Powder

SUPER 99.9% MERCURY INKCS Vectrol Paste S4

Anti Virus- activation powder refers to a reactivation member of the SSD products which is been pure and rob all over damaged notes , bills like USD and blacks EURO , POUNDS, transferring colors from used note to new white bills.

Sulphate D-ASH Max 0.2%


The Sulphate D-Ash Max 0.2% type chemical is a less used chemical type based on the international demand, this is because it plays a less role in the defaced money cleaning industry than other of the paste chemical types. However it is still important and/or requested at some stages during cleaning process or also most depend on the condition of the clients defaced notes in question. Helps for cleaning Aptness.

SSD Supreme Chemical


The SSD Supreme Chemical is one of the most scares solution type in the defaced money cleaning industry, unlike the ssd universal and/or automatic chemical solution, the SSD supreme chemical is a special category of the SSD which most be used in combination with its supreme powder (not humine or anti-virus powder).
This chemical type is typically recommended for defaced money which has been kept for a very long period of year, like 15 years or above.

TTZ Universal Solution

Vectrol Paste SSD Solution

TTZ Universal Solution is a compound of mercury used for removal of stains from bank notes. It is a cost effective product and is used by hundreds of clients all over the globe. It is an instant paper coolant so once the bank note has been processed with the chemicals, it is cooled immediately with the help of this solution. This makes the solution indispensable when it comes to discoloration of currencies

CS Vectrol Paste S4

HUMINE ACTIVATION POWDER Tebi-Manetic Powder Solution

This is a solid/paste type of SSD product which is used on the notes after cleaning with the chemicals has been completed, the purpose of the CS vectoral paste S4 is to totally remove the chemicals smell on the currencies notes and final reformation of the notes, so that when using the money at any place, there’s 100% guarantee of original money smell.

CS Vectrol Paste S4

HUMINE ACTIVATION POWDER Tebi-Manetic Powder Solution

This is a solid/paste type of SSD product which is used on the notes after cleaning with the chemicals has been completed, the purpose of the CS vectoral paste S4 is to totally remove the chemicals smell on the currencies notes and final reformation of the notes, so that when using the money at any place, there’s 100% guarantee of original money smell.

SSD Gastrox Oxide HQ5


HQ5 is an additional element on the main ssd automatic solution to make it universal chemical which is able to cleaning all sort of coating with darkened diced material, pink/white negative dollars. This chemical type is highly recommended for notes with a coating duration of minimum 12 months.

Super 99.9% Mercury Ink


Mercury Ink is a very effective and important member of the synthetic surfactant detedent which is only used after completion of cleaning by used of either chemical solution or powder and yet detect hologram of the notes isn’t clear. There calls the implementation of 99.9% mercury ink

Activation Powder

Automated Money Developer Machines Vectrol Paste

The Activation Powder is a powerful white powder and is the key product of the process of discoloration of bank notes. This powder is activated carbon which helps in the removal of black coating from the bank notes. Once applied, it sticks to the black coating so that when it’s removed, the black coating removes as well. A small amount of this powder works well for a good number of notes, so it wouldn’t be wrong to say that this activation powder is really effective. It has humane powder in it which increases its coherence factor. Also, activation powder is used globally as it is in much demand.

Zuta S4

Congeal Chemical Melting Equipment Automated Money Developer Machines

Zuta S4 is a reactivating agent. Bringing the defaced bank notes back to cleanable state, this product has a major role to play in the entire discoloration process. It can be used on partially as well as completely defaced currencies.

SSD Tourmaline Solution


SSD Tourmaline solution is a product of SSD which is mostly used for extraction also in combination with the tebi-manetic solution. Extraction process is a procedure whereby it is highly needed to extract natural mercury from an original note bills for blending with the defaced notes to be turned usable.

Our tebi-magnetic solution segment provides wet process chemicals to the semiconductor industry, to preserve currency bill for a very long period of time and clean. They are sold to industrial customers and individuals who use these preservatives primarily to extend the useful life of their currency bill under their care.

SSD DE-ICING Compound Powder


The SSD De-Icing Compound Powder is a universal type which is in grain form, they are recommended in combination for any type of the ssd solution cleaning chemical type, because it is require to pure them inside the liquid chemical and shake properly to allow the powder to get de-iced (dissolved) thereby giving the cleaning chemical a very high Probability to obtain perfect result.
